Dear Nancy, Jessica, Brian, Renee Daniel, and all,
What words can express the feelings of love, friendship, sadness, inspiration, anger, unity? I struggle with this. Over the last few days of swirling emotions, memories have come up that I would like to share.
I called the Dryden home a few years ago to find Daniel. Dan answered. Daniel was not around but instead of taking a message, Nancy joined on the other phone and we all talked for 45 minutes. For those 45 minutes I was cradled in love, understanding, advice, compassion, curiousity, wisdom. I had never talked to a friends parents for 45 minutes on the phone before. Nancy, you and Dan were some of the first adults I was able to call true friends, independent of your children and for that I thank you. That has been a big deal for me as a growing 20 something young man. So caring.
I have also had the fortune of spending a lot of time over recent years at your home, including many very formative times, recuping from and reflecting on adventures, thinking, making plans for the next days work, adventure, or project. Sharing meals and hard work and inner thoughts and admiration for all the beauty that surrounds us. I like to think Dan wouldn't have it any other way. Yesterday morning I again woke your home, the sacred space that you all have created and shared. It was quiet, peaceful, silently ringing of Dan's exquistite attention to detail, his thoughtfullness, his welcoming hugs, his passion for living fully, his deep laugh at a good story.
Last summer we all went to Chitna to dipnet. A family trip, (and in case you didn't know, there are a lot of us who feel like your family regardless of decent). I had just finished a NOLS trip and was struggling to transition back to town life when you invited me. It was just what I needed, time with loving people, out on a adventure together. After all the pee breaks and searching for a good spot and fishing like crazy all night, I remember walking the five miles back to the truck, thankful that Brian had shuttled all the fish and gear out on the 4-wheeler allowing the rest of us, tired, happy, carefree, to walk in the sun, chatting, walking silently, admiring the Copper River, at peace, Dan's keen eyes finding a knife along the road, happy to have just spent time in cold water, filleting and cooking and joking and teaming up and poking around on a fishwheel at the end of a random dirt road....with each other.
And memories of Dan's twinkly eyes, always eager to hear the story from adventures Daniel, myself and others were having. His help with our projects, teaching, asking questions and demanding his tools be cared for and respected. Of his hours on the phone in the office spent advocating for the Sutton community. So caring.
Know that your home is being looked after. Know that light and love are enveloping you all. Know that you all and Dan have been beside me during some of the hardest times of my life. And for that I thank you. May we all continue to be beside each other, whether in spirit, thought, or body, through our magnificent journey's here and beyond.
With my love,
Sam N.